A Day in the Life…

of a mother of five.

6:00am – Rise with baby and nurse and snuggle for an hour.

7:00am – Up with hubby, packing his lunch and seeing him out the door.

7:30am – Baby is back to sleep and I get started for the day. It’s Monday so this is laundry and Home Blessing day. I start the washer and unload the dishwasher and promptly reload it from Sunday ( I don’t do housework on Sunday).

8:00am – I get the master bedroom cleaned and the bathroom as well.

8:30am – Start my tomato sauce(that I prepped from our harvest of tomatoes last week) simmering and my beans soaking. The big girls are up now and I head out the garden leaving the little ones in their care.

9:00am – While in the garden I discover that over the weekend we have been taken over by tomato worms and they have done a number on my beautiful tomato patch. So I run inside, thankful to find the girls have dressed the little ones already and tell them all to load up in the van. I make a quick run to our local farm co-op store for something to rid us of these pesky and UGLY bugs.

9:45 – I am back in the garden and picking away. I get the picking down. Dust the tomatoes with the powder I brought home with me and I head back inside. I change a dirty diaper and love on the baby a little.

10:30- I start another load of laundry, call my mom to finish last minute details about our dinner together tonight and my girls’ week long stay with them, and wash all the garden produce that I picked and feed the baby his lunch.

11:15am – Get the mail, receive a letter in the mail requiring my response so I make a phone call. Then I wait on hold for ever and finally am able to talk with a person for all of 5 minutes. Problem taken care of and I’m off the phone. I help clean another dirty bottom in the bathroom and change a wet diaper.

11:45am – Sit down for just a minute. I start this post, drink my third bottle of water for the day, and nurse my baby to sleep.

12:10 – Make lunch for big kids, talk with them about what I want accomplished this afternoon, and eat a bowl of leftover stir-fry for lunch and allow myself a glass of sweet tea.

12:40 – Check on my sister who started her in home daycare today. I’m anxious to hear how it’s going.

12:45 – Check my email, update this post, do some work on my next post for Happily Domestic.

1:15pm – I help anothe child in the bathroom, answer the phone, and get playdough out for the little ones. The big girls and I start to fold the 4 loads of laundry that are sitting in the laundry room.

1:20pm – I smell the tomato sauce so I stir it and while I’m in the kitchen I clean up lunch, start the beans to cook for taco salad tonight and unload the dishwasher.

2:25 – Most of the laundry is folded. Big girls went through their drawers and closets and got out clothing for yard sale. We are paring down this week BIG TIME!! I also comforted Kate for the third time today as she realized yet again that she isn’t spending the night at Grandma’s with the big girls. Tears. Tears. Tears. But she is better now and I’m off to fold diapers and go through Kate’s clothing.

2:54 – Another potty break, this one for me. Man that water keeps flowing!!! Baby is awake now. Time for snack for the big kids. And must put the last load into the dryer. I’m getting tired. Maybe a pick me up of my homemade high protien snack mix will help.

4:01pm – Pushed through the “sleepies” and got the last of the laundry folded and put away. Tomato sauce is done and cooling. All the floors have finally been vaccumed and the bedding changed. Now I’m hoping to clean up the clothing mess that was created by the down-sizing after I nurse the baby. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned lately it is that there is always tomorrow and trying to do “one more thing” late in the afternoon adds tons of stress to my day. So, now I stop at 4:00 and finish up the day before my husband gets home.

4:42 – House is ready for daddy to come home. Now I’m off to change and dress children for dinner at my mom’s tonight.

5:35 – Husband worked late and it ended up being to my benefit. I got side-tracked on here earlier writing emails and such and just now finished my food. Now nursing the baby and heading out to mom’s.

10:00pm – We are home now and I am missing my girls already. They are staying at my mom’s until Friday. I’m headed to bed to read my Bible and relax for a minute before bed.

It’s been a busy day. But it always is. It’s been fun, this blogging about my day. I hope you have enjoyed it too!

2 Responses to “A Day in the Life…”

  1. It was fun to read!
    You should make a post about your “homemade high protein snack mix” because I’d LOVE to know what’s in it.
    If you get bored or need some adult company I know Madelynn would like a play date with Katherine.