
Great influence.
The Protectors.
The teachers.
We as wives and mother’s should encourage, support, and allow our husbands to be the father’s that God has called them to be. Our family will be stronger, our children will be happier, and our homes more peaceful. It is God’s design.
One of the simplest of homemaking tips I know is to allow your husband to be the umbrella over your family. As hardships come he will protect those he loves from the storm, but in times of peacefull weather he will stand back and allow his family to enjoy it with him. With Daddy watching over and protecting the family, we mommas can bear children, kiss skinned knees, and care for the home without bearing the weight of anything else.
It is God’s design. He created men for that.

One Response to “Fathers”

  1. You are so right! Let Dad be Dad! And honor him! I remember hearing Doug Phillips speak about how his wife had taught the children to come running to him when he walked in the door from work. We implemented this and my husband loved it! It made his “job” as Dad extra special. :)