Chore Chart

I took these pictures ages ago and meant to get this post up quickly but life happens and here we are, the middle of MAY! Can’t believe I just had to type that. Time passes so quickly and I am often reminded that this fact should make us be wise stewards of our time and invest in things and people for eternity and not the fleeting things of this world. Anywho. Not the point of this post.

My new chore chart….

You know you are a homeschooling, like things practical, don’t really care if my home looks like a magazine as long as it works kinda family when your chore chart is hung as the first thing you see when you walk in the door.
I laminated the cards with the chores on them. On some of the cards like “Clean the Bathroom” I broke down the job into bullets. This way the child could easily remember what all was included with “Clean the Bathroom”.  And each morning I choose which ones need attention that day. The cards then go in the child’s pocket that will be responsible for that job that day. I made cards with jobs with each child in mind. Some jobs rotate between all of the children but others are smaller and simpler for the younger ones and others are a little more detailed for the bigger girls.
Each child has a pocket. The cards are moved to “Completed” once they are done AND CHECKED by momma.
The check mark part is used hand in hand with the small $1 a week allowance that our three older children get. For each “check mark” that the child gets they loose a quarter. Check marks can be given for anything from disrespectful attitude to complaining about chores.
We have been using this system for about 3 months now and it is the first time we have stuck with a chore chart system. It is all about finding what works for your family. I love being able to choose what chores get done each day. I don’t need the living room dusted each and every day of the week, but once or twice a week it lands in someone’s pocket and vila the living is staying dusted. It is working like a charm!
I love watching my children learn to save for things they want and they are quickly learning how to use their money wisely along with tithing, and saving.
But above all, I am so glad to have found something that is working and that we are sticking with. What chore system do you use? Do your children get allowance? Please share! I love to glean ideas from other families.

4 Responses to “Chore Chart”

  1. I love your chore chart! I would really love to do this with Madelynn.
    Do you add more chores to the pockets half way through the day? Like after lunch when there’s more dishes to be done?
    I saw another mom that did something kinda similar to this. She had a bag full of ping pong balls or something like that. Each ball had a different chore on it. The kids each picked out a few depending on their age. Then they received a sticker on a chart for each job completed. If they complained about it or didn’t get it done in a timely fashion they didn’t get the sticker. Then when the chart was full the mom had a bad of small prizes. The kids picked one out. I thought it was a neat idea.

  2. Oh I love this! I am definitely an advocate of making scheduled chores for children. This is a great way to implement that!

  3. I had a friend who did something similar to this, but it wasn’t nearly as pretty as yours! Sometimes making it look nice is all you need to keep going with something new! lol Thanks for linking up!

  4. This is great…I like the idea of check marks. I was just talking to a mom the other day who believes in corporal punishment, but hate the fear she had using it in the store. The check marks really take care of that, as long as you are consistant. GREAT SOLUTION! You are so smart.