
Hard to believe this babe is six months old already!!
From this…..
to this……
In six months!
He has stolen our hearts and has his every whim met.
His siblings adore him and I truly believe he will NEVER know how to play by himself!!
You see this babe is never alone. He is doted on as much today as the day he came home so many months ago.

Jeremiah at this stage you are –

Sleeping through most night but occasionaly waking once to nurse.
Taking naps like a champ.
Sitting unassisted as shown in the above photos. (just started that this month)
You have tasted cereal and didn’t care much for it.
Eating only momma’s milk most days.
Smiling, cooing and laughing at anyone.
You are the most social baby I have ever had (or seen for that matter).
You will give momma kisses when I ask most of the time.
My favorite thing you do right now is grab my face with a chubby hand on each cheek and giggle and talk and kiss me!!

I love you Jeremiah!! You are growing so quickly, and while I hate that with part of me I can’t to see who you will become!

One Response to “6.”

  1. He’s not even mine, and I find myself thinking where in the world did time go????????? Sitting up?? Really?? Makes me afraid to blink!