3 months

Oh my how time flies. Jeremiah is already months old. So many of you prayed for him, and for us, during his first days I thought you might like to see how those prayers have helped and what our little (who is not so little anymore) man is up to.

He weighs in now at 17lbs!! And yes, he is our biggest, chunckiest baby yet. And I am sure it is because he LOVES to nurse!
He is holding his head up better and better everyday. He is sleeping about 10-12hrs straight through most nights. Yes, he is every mother’s dream!!
He has the cutest little belly laugh and giggle. He will coo and “talk” to almost anyone that speaks to him. He is very social and loves people!
He will smile at his momma from across the room when someone else is holding him. Melts my heart!
His favorite things right now are riding in the Moby and his bouncy seat and jungle gym that have toys. He is reaching out and grabbing at them now. So much fun!
Everyday I am in awe of how far he has come and I am reminded how blessed I am. Not all babies bounce back from pulmanary hypertension. It can be scary long lasting stuff, requiring oxygen and feeding tubes to help the babies gain weight and grow. But he here is growing like a weed free from all things medical and the picture of health with not so much as a sniffle yet. And I praise God for all of it. For I know it is the blessings of my Heavenly Father that have gotten us this far and will see us through what is to come.
I love you Jeremiah! You are a testimony to the power of prayer and to the love of God’s people!

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