Snow Day.

Here is the view out my window….

We have almost 5 inches and it is still snowing!!
So, I have officially declared it a pajama day for the kids and the girls and I are doing school on the couch under blankets. With hot (or for them warm) chocolate to warm our fingers. And many snuggle breaks to warm our hearts. I have bread baking to tickle our noses and soon to warm our bellies. I think I will make a pot of soup for dinner. Hope you have an amazing day wether you have snow or not.

3 Responses to “Snow Day.”

  1. Anonymous

    The kids are still in their pajamas here too and we have declared today craft day. I lack in that area so I figured we could make the mess all in one day. I love the options we have with homeschooling :) Have a great day.
    I will send you a note when baby Ethan comes into the world sometime today.

    God Bless,

  2. So funny…I just finished my post on my blog and came over to see what was on yours…same thing!!! Too funny.
    I wish I could have done spanish today! Eventually things will get bak to normal. I can email you some work sheets if you want, for the credits…we are just reviewing colors so they should know all of them. Just let me know.

    Oooo…and I LOVE the shed picture. It is like an old time painting!

  3. Enjoy your day! We are bundled up in cozy pajamas too…but I wonder if this baby will try to come early and make me go out in this snow.