In for the long haul

We are stocked up and ready…

Food… check





Lots and lots of snow coming round these parts. Close to a foot so they say. That’s a lot for us. But what makes it even more note worthy is the fact that we are expected to get almost an inch of ice with it!! They are expecting major power outages and horrible road conditions. So, I went yesterday and braved the crowds and stock up on plenty of food and lots of things that can be eaten without cooking or heating.

So, I think we are ready. We are staying in doing lots and lots of school (making up for a week and a half lost due to the flu) and reading books, and at least until the power goes out I am baking this morning.

What have you done to prepare for winter weather? Have I forgotten anything?

Are you getting bad weather where you are? This has been a really rough winter compared to our year’s past. We’ve had much more snow and ice this year so far.

2 Responses to “In for the long haul”

  1. Yeah, what’s with that I come back and all of a sudden the winter gets BAD!
    I ran and got like five things…didn’t check for candles, matches, water, didn’t do any baking, cooking, or anything…oh did do laundry! HAHA guess I need to re-integrate myself to winter weather! Once in the hard spot though, training will kick in and I will figure it out!

  2. It’s been sleeting here since early last night and it’s a few inches thick now. Praying the power dosen’t go out!!! Plenty of food in the house but that’s useless if you have no electric… that means, no water and no heat!

    It’s been coming down so hard it’s hitting the windows and sliding doors, entertaining my kitties who are fascinated by it.