Knee Deep

As I am knee deep in child training, house keeping, baby wearing, laundry and cooking, I have had something on my heart. I am guilty of this in my own life and I have been hurt by it so many times, only to realize I was doing it to other people.

As a stay at home, homeschooling mother sometimes these trenches get lonely. The day after day of conversations with no one over 4 feet tall are long and tiring and lonely. I wonder if anyone ever notices, or even cares about me and all my hard work. My phone hardly rings and the days go by when I talk to no one. I get “down” about it. I throw myself a big old pity party and start to wallow in my self-centeredness.

Then as I pour my heart out to my Father, He speaks gently but rebukingly to me. Who have you called? What cards have you mailed? What emails have you sent? And then I feel ashamed. I am guilty of not calling also. I get busy with my day and think about my friends throughout it but never take the time to call. Don’t we all?

We as mommas are so busy it is hard to make time. But we are also all tired, lonely for some “sister” conversations, and wondering at times if anyone would notice if we fell off the planet? Come on, you girls know its true! Or at least I hope I’m not the only one that feels this way. And I don’t think I am.

So, as I sit here and reflect on the last month, especially, I have felt isolated and alone so many times. But I haven’t called much either. I wanted people to call me and that was silly. Many of them were probably sitting at home wishing they would get a phone call too. So let’s help each other out. A simple phone call. A card dropped in the mail when we mail the bills, or a special dessert we baked extra of. Lets rally around each other momma’s and lift each other up. We need each other while in the trenches of motherhood. And we so often feel sorry for ourselves instead of finding love and support that so many would love to give.

I am comitting to spend more time, even just over the phone while folding laundry, fostering my friendships, lifting burdens, and being a listening ear to other momma’s. It will help me. It will help others. And I pray that it will ease burdens, both mine and theirs as we lift each other up and edify each other through wholesome conversation.

These days are long and the nights sleepless, but we are not alone. There are many mothers walking the same road. And more people than you realize would notice if you were gone. So, let’s put a little more time into helping each other out!

3 Responses to “Knee Deep”

  1. This is so true of me, too! It DOES get lonely here and even though I know that I’ve been abundantly blessed….the days are hard and long. Please know that I will pray for you at this time on your walk. Know that you are NOT alone ;)


  2. Been at that “knee deep” place in life many times Amanda. Also been on the other end, thinking of everyone and wondering if it was a good time to call or email then getting busy. Don’t worry, you’re loved and cared about = )

  3. I have felt like that for the last 4 years. Its tuff but there is light at the end.Im here for you. we are in the same boat.Im hardly ever on the computer anymore so sorry for not reading this before now.I cant wait for the next 2 weeks to fly by so we can get together and start our playdates back up.Love you girl!