Newborn Goodness

Sleepy newborn.
Tiny Feet.
Snuggling sweetness.
Nursing joys.
We are settling in well and everyone is adjusting. Jeremiah is proving to be an awesome baby. He sleeps and eats and harldy cries at all. I am already getting the itch to start school again and get back on routine. Something I didn’t expect until after Thanksgiving. I am totally loving having a newborn to snuggle and nurse and kiss on.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers during the past weeks. They mean so much to me and my family.

4 Responses to “Newborn Goodness”

  1. Your post title brought a big smile to my face! “Newborn Goodness” how perfect! Jeremiah looks like he had an Anne Geddes photo shoot mom. What a beautiful blessing. I’m sooooo happy to hear he’s doing well and that momma is too! Ready for school??? God must really be moving in your house! I’m waiting for the “I’m ready for visitors” post!!! Then we’ll be right over = )