Friday Morning

Well, this morning brings some smiles to my face as I walked into Jeremiah’s pod and was greeted by great numbers, lower oxygen settings, and a great morning chest x-ray. It doesn’t look as if he will have to have that bigger chest tube put in. The hole in his lung seems to have already healed and resolved itself! That is a huge answer to prayer! He is still sedated and on the ventilator but we are weaning him slowly now. It seems we are on the uphill climb at least for today.

I have learned in this now, my second NICU journey that you don’t count on anything and you don’t plan either. It is an hour by hour journey or roller coaster ride as it is at times more approprietly called.

Some specific things to pray –
Jeremiah’s peace and comfort.
Strength for mommy as I try to divide myself between four children at home that need me and one sick baby here that needs me. It is something causing me great pain today.
A room in the Ronald McDonald House here at the hospital. I would have all my children together within walking distance. I could see all of them every day. It would be such a blessing!
Protection for my family as we all travel the highways often right now.

Thank you for your love and support during this time. It means so much. I know that I am not returning every text or call or comment but please know that I read them and they uplift me and enable me to go the next step and take the next breath.

9 Responses to “Friday Morning”

  1. Thanks for the update. We have been praying hard and praying often for Jeremiah and the rest of the family. A room at the Ronald McDonald house would be amazing. I will be praying and for the safety and comfort of the entire family at this time. Again if there is anything we can do for the other children please let us know.

  2. I don’t know you, but I know how hard it is to have a NICU baby. I had TWO! Both for lung problems. Here’s hoping baby recovers quickly. Ronald McDonald house is an awesome option if you can get a place! Many prayers.

  3. We are praising God with you that the hole in his lung has healed. We will continue to pray for strength and peace for you as well as for Jeremiah. Also that a room at the Ronald McDonald House will be available for you all. Sending Hugs via email to you all!

    Sarah Davis

  4. I’m praying my heart out for you and yours… there are so many praises so far… I hope we can continue to say that!

    Be blessed-

  5. I will have Jeremiah and your family in my prayers. God bless your family, such beautiful baby’s…

    Be strong, Hecmi

  6. I don’t know you, just popped over from Amanda’s tweet. Want you to know I will be praying for Jeremiah. As I 3 time NICU mom(of 5) I remember well the rollercoaster. Grace and peace to you through Jesus.

  7. Amanda,
    I don’t know you but I live in Franklin county and will be traveling to Big John’s once a week starting the 15th if that is where your sweet boy is and if someone in your family or friends needs a ride to come visit you.

    I have seven children and I had one in the NICU at Children’s a few years ago. You can drop me an email and I can send you more information. Blogs are too public for much more information than that.