Proud to Admit,

Last week I blogged about my new perspective. And my desire to see this job of mothering in a different light.
Part of that new perspective is trying to be more of a “yes” momma than I have been in the past. Trying to include my children in my daily activities even if it takes more time or makes more of a mess. Saying “Yes” unless there is a real reason why it HAS to be “no”.
So, when I get ready to make cookies and brownies one evening, why not just say “yes” when all the children want to help. Even though it would have taken less time and been less messy to do it myself. But, this new perspective has allowed me to find joy in time with my children.
So, I am trying to find more ways to spend time with my children. And I don’t want all of our time together to be on “worldy” and “temporary” fun. While we spend time doing hair and nails, I also want a big dose of cooking, cleaning, and “mothering” to be included in our time together.
So, I am proud to admit that I am now a “beater liking” kinda momma. But I have decided that they need to invent a mixer with more than two beaters. Because in this house, two beaters is NOT enough! And this evening of fun showed me that we must work on sharing or find some more beaters! ;)

4 Responses to “Proud to Admit,”

  1. Being a yes momma as you put it is the most rewarding even though it usually takes more time :) And yes I agree, they need to invent a mixer with more beaters. Around here 2 get the beaters, one gets the scraper, a couple get a spoon full and someone gets the bowl! And then they are all happy when we are done :)

  2. I have yet to become a beater kinda momma, I am paranoid about my kids getting a bug from the raw eggs, I know I know I should lighten up! After all Millions of beaters have been licked and contunue to be. One day…Maybe one day.

  3. LOL For better or worse, my kids have always licked the beaters and the bowls when I make cakes or cookies. It’s a habit I never really grew out of, so it was natural for me to let them do it. (I know…I’ll grow up someday…) Now when they hear the mixer going, they come running!

  4. I am trying to remind myself that the more I teach them to do the less I have to do later. this morning I made pumpkin pancakes and I always make a ton to freeze. so when my girls asked to help cook I thought sure because then I do not have to stand here for the next hour.
    I have really enjoyed your blog and am praying for baby jeremiah