My Household Notebook

Lots of women use one system or another to stay organized, on schedule, and to fit everything in. I haveĀ used my notebook for years and while at times I have fallen away from it I always come “crawling” back to it after my house is in shambles around me and I am feeling overwhelmed and frazzled. And then I always wonder why I left it! So, what is in my notebook?

I have dividers in mine. Four total actually. I have them labeled “To Do”, Kitchen, Church, and School. I wanted to give you a little glimpse into each section.

“To Do” – This sections contains lots and lots of ruled paper. I usually have a list a week and it is hand written. It allows me to write down even the smallest job. I write everything from laundry to sweeping. I am a list driven person and having a list to look at helps me to be much more productive. I love seeing the list shrink and drawing lines as each job is done. I know it sounds really really weird but I will even at times write down “laundry” three and four times so that as each load is done I can cross out another line. It keeps me going through out the day and helps to keep me focused. As the week goes on I add things here that my husband asks me to do or phone calls I need to make. It is pretty much just what it says. This sections is full of lists of things I “need to do”.
Right now I even have one for “before baby”, “before school” etc. It is, at times, more than one list.

“Kitchen” – This is one of the most used sections of my notebook after the “to do” section. This is where I keep all my inventories, my menus, my on going shopping list. My freezer cooking plans and ideas and recipes that I want to try. I use this all the time to make sure I don’t run out of anything but also to help me stick to my menu and shopping list.

“Church” – Since my husband is in ministry this section of my notebook became essential to my life. While he is the pastor and I am “just the pastor’s wife” my life is busy and I have lots of irons in the fire even at church. In this section I write down things I need to remember to do from cards to mail to phone calls to make. I also use this section to write down ideas for future events I want to pray about. I keep lists of who I have collected money from when the situation arises. I keep a shopping list in here too. This is pretty much my “brain” when it comes to church info. It reminds me what to do and allows me to have written proof of certain information instead of trying to remember it all.

“School” – This is not my lesson plan/log notebook. I have all that “stuff” seperate. In this section I keep field trip ideas, plans I have, and a list of books I need to buy for the coming year. I also keep lots and lots of notes from our homeschool group that includes contacts, websites, and feedback on different issues we have discussed. I use this to assist my lesson plans and logs. I refer to it when looking for ideas or help when I need it.

I am not a “schedule” cleaner. I don’t do the same thing, the same day of each week. I have tried to “force” myself into this box and have sat for hours to make up routines and schedules only to have them not work and be back to this rhythm of writing out my list and marking things off within just a few days. A household notebook should be your friend, not your master. It is should help you be more productive not keep you tied to a routine that sucks all the joy out of homemaking. Make it work for you and your family. To get you started here are a few great websites full of ideas, tips, printables, and such to help you build your notebook. It is a big task and isn’t something that happens in a day. But if you can build it to work for you I can honestly say I bet it becomes your right arm. I know mine did.

Got any questions? Do you have a household notebook? Can you tell us what works for you? I would love to hear your ideas, questions, and feedback.

Updated – I will be posting more on this topic soon. I will be including pictures and such next time. So check back soon.

5 Responses to “My Household Notebook”

  1. I just told Amy this morning that I want to start a household notebook. I have some ideas on what I want. Would you say the best way is just to dive into it and change it as you go? Or plan it all out first and then do it? I’ve got a little bit of a plan but I’m not completely sure what I want. Do you also include your bills in your household notebook? I read on one site that they use the plastic binder sleeves to keep important letters, articles, recipes, and stuff like that that’s to small or funny shaped to punch holes in.
    I haven’t looked at many sites on it but I haven’t found a site that has a picture of one. I’d like to see what someone’s looks like. Do you know of a site that shows someones?

  2. I use for most of my print offs and did lots of reading there before I started.
    But start and change as you go. Its much easier and more time efficient. You could spend hours building it only to find that you need to change it again. Mine has changed lots over the past years I have been using it. It changes as the needs of my family change.

  3. Love the idea of a Household Notebook! I think I may just have to try this :)

  4. I’ve started a binder and then it sits there. Maybe I should try again. I LOVE making lists too. And I will even write something down that I just did…just so I can cross it off! ha, ha!

    You have a beautiful family! Bless you!

  5. oh my god. I can’t imagine FINDING a freaking notebook let alone writing anything done. I just do what I see needs done. grocery list is on a magnetic pad on the fridge. Every time I hear about someone so organized I want to cry or something. No wonder everyone thinks I’m a horrible mother. I don’t even stay organized like everyone else. I had no idea anyone did this.