
I had the opportunity last week to take some fall pictures of the kids and I was so pleased with how they turned out. This beautiful spot was just around the corner from speech so we headed out early to take advantage of the only nice day we had last week. We had so much fun. I was reminded how much I enjoy doing fun things with my children that get us “out of the box” and yet don’t cost a thing. I am trying to make it a priority to do things like this more often. The demands of life can be many and the things that pull at us mommas are never ending, the laundry, the kitchen, the paper work, the cleaning, and the list goes on and on. But these things will never be over with and yet our children will one day be over their childhood years and we will be left with only the memories that we make now.
The dishes will still need to be done while our children are at their first job or away to college. But now, for some of us, our child are still here. They still need us and want our attention. They need our guiding hand to help them fall in love with Jesus and to learn to live like Him. And we make a choice everyday about what will take priority. I know that I am guilty, time and time again, of putting more importance on my clean house or the finished laundry that I will put off spending time or doing something fun with kids for another day. Well even if one chore is done today there will be more tomorrow and before we know it years will have gone by. And we won’t have taken enough time for “fun” things. And all we will have left is laundry, and dishes, and cleaning, on and on. But not another chance to spend time with our children while they are young.
So, I encourage you tonight to re-evaluate what is taking your time. And the next time that you or your children want to do something fun or even just curl up to read a book or watch a movie don’t let work that will be there tomorrow rob you of the joy of the memory that will last forever.

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