Vacation Pictures

Vacation was wonderful. We had a great time. Every day was full of fun and family. What better way to spend a week. On Monday we left home around 6am and headed down to Silver Dollar City. It was a beautiful day and we had a blast. The kids loved everything about it. They had never been to anything like that before and it was such a blessing to be with them for their first experience in a theme park.

Here is a group shot from right after we walked through the gate –

The kids LOVED the rides. I think it was their favorite part. This was the first theme park that I had been to that was as family friendly as Silver Dollar City was. All of the rides were designed so that an adult could ride with the children. I was much more comfortable with this design than just sending my children through the gate and allowing someone else to ensure their safety. Anyway, I would highly recommend this park to any family looking for a great place to vacation.
Here are pictures of the rides –

The next day we spent time out on the lake on a pontoon boat with friends. The kids got to drive the boat (Maggie did this the most and she loved it!!), eat ice cream, ride jet skis, feed the fish, and swim in the lake. It was a full day but full of fun in the sun.

I have run out of time so more photos will have to come later. I still have photos of the AWESOME pool at the resort. It was unbelievable! I can’t wait to share the pictures with you.

4 Responses to “Vacation Pictures”

  1. Oh for cute!! I LOVE that first picture… everyone seems to be having a Wonderful time in them all!

    God bless-

  2. Oh wow! We were in the same place at the same time! I stared at your kiddos wondering if I saw your family anywhere! lol Glad you had such a great time!

  3. you got a blog makeover but not a new button. i have your button on my blog but i guess it still brings people here, so thats good.