Saving money….

I was looking back over the past eight months of this year and I noticed something. I have been striving to cut our budget in every area possible. Not really because I had to but more because it is a weird hobby of mine, seeing how little we can get by on. I have been trying to cut down the places and the amount that we “go”. I have strived to stay home more. And one thing that I have seen happen is that we are not only saving money on frivolous purchases or eating out and on gas. We are also saving money on doctor’s bill. Yes, that is right. Doctor’s bills. Since January my children have only gone to the doctor an average of twice a piece (excluding well checks). I feel that is a pretty low number and I really feel that it is due to the fact that my children haven’t been out around people as much. Now, don’t read me wrong, they have gotten out plenty. They have played at church and at homeschool group and we still go to Wal-Mart and other stores. But I have tried to be more organized and to limit how often I go. I now usually only “go” out one day a week. The rest of the time we are home or are visiting friends at their home but we are not out and around the public.
So, if you are looking for ways to save money here is one that might be a little outside the box. The more seldom that you are out and about with your children the more seldom that you just might be at the doctor.
I do feel that several things play into this. At home we eat better foods than when we eat out. When we are home our children rest when they need to and nap when they should. When we are home our children play out in the sunshine more and breathe the fresh air into their growing bodies. Not to mention the added benefit of the ability to more effectively train our children while at home rather than out in the public eye.
We are all always looking at ways to save money. I hope this gives you a little to think about. To run or to stay home? Which is your choice? And what is there to gain from either choice?

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