An Easter Service

What a busy weekend. It has been a good weekend spent with family and friends. Saturday we spent the day fishing, picnicking, and visiting beside the lake with friends. It was nice weather and such a good day. Sunday started very early with breakfast with my in-laws and their church family. Then it was on to Central. I was really anticipating the outpouring of God’s spirit on our little body of believers.

Today was the first time that I taught my new class. I had been teaching when Kate was born but had not been able to start again because she was just too fussy and not sleeping. I now, with her new medicine and diet, felt that I could take on a class again. I am teaching 3rd-6th grade. I have learned to really LOVE this age. They are ready to learn and at the age where they love a good challenge. So, I was ready to get to know a new bunch of kids. Well, the lesson went well and the kids were great. After that came the part that I couldn’t wait for. My God has never been more real to me than he has been in the last few weeks. He is moving in my life and in my heart and in my church in ways that are breathtaking. I couldn’t wait for worship this morning.

I started with a heart so full of love and gratitude for my Saviour’s victory over the grave. The worship leader did an amazing job, through the leading of the Spirit, with the song service. Even with four children in the pew with me I was able to worship in an amazing way. The sermon was amazing and just what I needed to hear. What an Easter service! It wasn’t anything fancy. There were no Easter lilies, no cantata, no special music, just God’s people worshipping Him and standing in awe and appreciation for the sacrifice and victory we have through Him.

What an Easter service! How was your Easter Sunday?

2 Responses to “An Easter Service”

  1. We visited a larger church with big music, Easter lilies, fancy dresses, and lots and lots of people we didn’t know. Still it was a good service. When can it not be when you are in the Lord’s house on the Lord’s day? I had three kids with me in the pew but also my husband and mother in law. It was a little harder to concentrate on quiet worship between me and My Lord but I have been learning that often in this season of my life I must learn that my worship includes committing my children to the Lord and teaching them to be respectful in His services. The kids did very well considering and I did my best to remember that worship is not about what you can get from the praise or sermon but what you can offer to God. Yesterday I offered myself with as much patience for my children and love for my family and my Lord as I could muster. I tried to not be consumed with perfection or perfect pressed Easter outfits but instead to focus on teaching and learning all that I could about the hope and event of the Resarection (I never spell that write!). Thanks for sharing about your Easter Sunday.I think we will see you at Central next week.

  2. The Easter Service that we attended was a very simple one at a small church with friends, but also very powerful. During the Sunday School time, the pastor asked if I would do a reading during the service about the crucifixion. I did, and the reading led right into his Easter message. The lights were off in the auditorium as I read, and then as he started talking about the resurrection, the lights were turned on, and it made for a pretty powerful effect. Best of all, Angie slept through most of the service, so I actually got to LISTEN to the message.
    Their church is growing after a long season of deadness, so it was neat to see it filled with people. We had worked there a few years ago, and when we left, I had wondered what God’s purpose had been in putting us there. However, Sunday I got to see how some of the seeds that God had allowed us to plant in lives were now maturing and bearing fruit. It was a blessing and an affirmation for me that God has a purpose in everything He calls us to, whether we can see it at the time or not. This is something that was really important for me to be reminded of with where I’ve been spiritually lately.
    I’m not sure when Aaron has planned to do it, but I know that sometime in the next few weeks we’ll visit with you guys at Central. Looking forward to it!