“God is just, not fair”

“God is just, not fair”.
I read this on another blog and it spoke volumes to me considering my current path I am called to walk. To human eyes, mine included, it doesn’t seem fair that my husband and I are being treated this way. But God looks at the bigger picture. It is not only about my good, but about the good of His kingdom as a whole. I will serve where I am called and I will serve there until God moves me. We should not look for things to be fair, because we can’t see what blessings are coming our way in the future or what greater ministry God is moving us toward. Our reward for unwavering service will be in heavan, not here on earth. If we look for things to be fair we will be always let down. But when we trust in God to be just and to use us in a way that is most beneficial to His eternal plan then we can rest in the palm of His hand. And if we……”look to the One who is just and promises to take care of us like He cares for the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, we will grow into people of character who give our lives for causes greater than ourselves. We will have content hearts, and will live more joyful and happy lives, no matter what the circumstances.” Wow! What a focus to strive for!

Be blessed today!

2 Responses to ““God is just, not fair””

  1. Amen! I have faith that some day we will all look back in wonder at the amazing way God worked in our hearts and lives during this time.
    Until that time, hang in there, keep praying,and know that you are loved beyond measure!