Yes Mom.

I have been trying to, this past year, be more of a “yes” mom. I have been trying to say “no” only to things that really aren’t a good idea. If something makes a mess, we will clean it up. If something takes some time, I will make it. So the other day, I had […]


Oh my beautiful little girl! She is her own person! The other day she thought she would add to that person. And put a “little” make-up on. She was very proud of her ability and I was quite surprised at the lack of mess made. Katherine is a climber and an explorer and you should […]

Helping Hand

I love to be in the kitchen. I especially love to be in the kitchen with the ones that I love helping me. And right now, I am seldom in the kitchen alone. If Katherine hears me in there she grabs a chair and wants to “watch”. But seldom does it stop at watching. And […]


Your veiwing pleasure that is. Lots and lots of people think Jeremiah looks just like Samantha. And then I show a different picture!

Babies. Tights and Two year olds,

Baby Kate isn’t much of a baby anymore. In fact, most days she can by found “mothering” a baby of her own. It is her favorite playtime activity right now. Look at how long her hair is getting!! My sweet baby wearing her baby just like Mommy! I can’t believe she is almost 2 1/2! […]

Birthday Girl

Kate trying to show me “2”. When you ask her how old she is she usually says “free” followed by correcting herself and saying “tooooo”! It is so super cute! She was so excited yesterday and made the whole day so much fun and exciting! Here she is with her cake. You can just see […]

A Birthday.

Sorry I have been so absent lately. I am nearing the end of my pregnancy and still have lots to do to get ready for baby. Plus I am dealing with terrible swelling and it hurts my hands to type much. Anyway, I will be back to regular blogging at some point I PROMISE!!!! So, […]


Sorry about the lack of “My Daily Thoughts” today. I started it and got interupted several times and now it is late. So here is a picture post for you.  Katherine has fallen in love with babies. Babies of all shapes, sizes, and colors. She carries one around most of the day. She rocks it. […]