New Winners!

I seem to be having trouble getting a response from my winners so I am going to post these winners in a new post. These new winnners have until Tuesday 12pm CST to respond to my email or a new winner will be choosen.

My Favorite!!

This fall season is my favorite time of year and to celebrate it this year I am giving away a hat and scarf set to one of my readers. This will be a crocheted set made by me and they retail around $30 on Etsy. I will be giving this away as part of the […]

School Year 2012-2013

So it is August. This is the time of year when everyone is buying backpacks, crayons, paper and new clothes. But around our house we have been making the slow transition to a more school year round approach. And this has been the first year that we really haven’t taken a break at all. While […]

New Winners.

Amphibian lapbook – Diana said… I think trips to the library are very helpful to the kids in the summer. Lilla Rose Flexi Clip – Julie said… like on fb Julie Scott Laws Amy Matthews said… I like the etched cross flexi clip.

The Heart of the Matter

As I have written about recently we are still encouraging skirt wearing in our family. But my heart is heavy and I am at a loss. You see, my oldest doesn’t like the skirt wearing, she fights against it daily, and only does it to avoid punishment for disobedience. And I don’t know what to […]

Another Lapbook Winner

One of the first winner’s didn’t respond so I had to draw another winner. Kim said… We would love to do any of the Veggietales lapbooks. Kim, you are a winner!!! An email has been sent and you have 48hrs to respond.