A New Start

Well, today starts a new school year for us. We are not starting “officially” if you know what I mean, but we are starting none the less. You see, we are getting into our habits and forming our morning routine before we start our actual curriculum for the year. So, over the next we will […]

God’s TIming

Isn’t it amazing how we can see God working all around us if we just choose to. You see I, as a mother, have been waiting for almost a year for my middle daughter to begin a speech program in our area. She had her first evaluation back in May of 2008. We were told […]

Sheltered or Isolated

I have been accused of isolating my children by homeschooling them. But I feel that people who view homeschooling in this light are naive to the facts. I don’t isolate my children. My children are sheltered from the world’s view of marriage (or lack thereof) and instead allowed to learn the Biblical roles of a […]