Long Days of Motherhood


pinterestDear Fellow Mom,

We are in this together. This season of exhaustion, and long days. They seem forever don’t they? These long days of motherhood stretch before us endlessly.

They push us to our limits and even beyond. Who knew one could go without sleep for weeks or months at a time!!! Or one could jump up countless times during each meal and still not loose weight despite our best efforts. (Did I just hear an “Amen”?)long days of motherhood

I have heard the saying that these days are long but the years are short. And that is so true!!! Days of young children are grueling and yet wonderful. You love these small beings that are so dependent on you and yet some days you would give your right arm for just an hour in silence by yourself.

You steal away to the bathroom for a little longer than needed. You tip toe around the house during nap time as if you were walking in a mine field in an effort to squeeze out as much quiet time as possible. You cook dinner with a squirming baby in your arms and a whiny, hungry toddler at your feet, all the while the older children clamor to tell you about their day or to ask for your help with a sibling squabble.


But these same children who drain you empty each and every day can also fill you up to over-flowing eyes with a smile, a sleepy snuggle, or just a look across a room. How can that be? This journey called motherhood is an incredible one full of mountain top highs and heartbreaking valleys. But I want to encourage you today fellow weary mother, this is a season. It is not a season to “get through” or “survive”. It is a season to shape hearts and instill morals and love.

During these long days we need to keep our hearts in check. Many of the feelings of drudgery or impatience are rooted in selfishness. We “want” time for ourselves. We are “trying” to read a book. We “need” to take a shower. All of these activities are good in their own way but it is all about our heart.


These long days of motherhood should find our hearts focused on these blessings entrusted to our care. It is so much harder to live out then it is to write. It is a life-style of self-denial but it is so worth it. As we deny ourselves daily we are living examples of Christ’s love for His people. We are shaping hearts and changing the future. We are world changers in rocking chairs, fellow moms and we need to embrace this calling and smile as we rock.

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