Balance During the Holidays

balance during the holidays

Today for our Busy Moms Christmas post I have asked a guest writer to join us. Samantha has written some thoughts today on maintaining balance during the holidays. Can we really enjoy all the yummy treats and not feel horrible by the time January rolls around? Here are her thoughts, and if you want to keep learning from her you can follow her on Facebook or her blog. She is fun, witty, encouraging, and she posts beautiful pictures from Alaska too!!

Oh, the holidays. Do you feel like I do over this wonderfully busy time? I want to enjoy myself; relax a little more and worry a little less about what I’m eating or how much I’m moving, yet still be healthy and not get too deep into a food coma. Can we have both? I think we can, actually. But it’s not easy. I don’t know about you, but whenever I go on vacation I always have these great plans to exercise but what I actually end up doing is exercising very little. Why does it have to be so hard?!

Okay, honestly…. you can do it. And so can I. We just have to prepare ourselves and keep our goals and plans in full focus. If you’re going to a friends house, offer to bring a dish to share. That way you know you have at least one thing made by you that is healthy or up to your ‘code.’ Include exercise into your family activities. Go for a walk, play a game of football outside, go for a hike, meet at the swimming pool… try to do something active with your family as much as possible.

Finding that line between enjoying life and balance is one of the hardest things I think. It takes a lot of practice, motivation, effort and planning. I know it’s worth it, though! Each of us has to decide what works best for us. Me personally? I have to be very careful with the foods around the holidays because I know myself, and I know that one bite might lead to a week long binge. I strive to have a couple bits of that oh-so-amazing pie and get right back on track with my eating, and if anything I always try to go for long walks and stretch while on vacation.

Happy holidays and don’t forget to take care of yourself!

– Samantha xoxo

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