Unconditional – A True Love Story


A new life is born.

The love is instant and the bond unbreakable.

This is a true love story. It is so perfect it can only be written in Heaven.

A Heavenly Father’s love and an imperfect human being come together where there is faith and belief. And there, that is the only place on Earth where unconditional love can be found.

Just as a parent of a new baby is overcome with love for that new person when your belief allows the Heavenly Father to fill you with new life it is overwhelming. You will never be alone again, you are now loved for all eternity. His love is unconditional and undeserved. We all mess up and fail. We are human. But we all need love.

A true love story

We watch it a child in a movie, we read it as a book as a teen, and we seek for it in real life as a young adult. We want our life to be a true love story straight from the books. But no matter how “special” someone is to you that love is imperfect because it is between two people. But as we seek for love let us always remember that we are unconditionally loved by the only One that can give perfect love.

You momma are loved. When you feel alone as you pace the floor at 2am, you are loved. When the feelings of failure are as real as the air you breathe, you are loved. When your husband is late and you wonder where he is “again” you are not alone, you are loved. As the dishes pile, the clothes are wrinkled, and your back aches with the strain of your pregnant belly you are loved. You are beautiful to Him. Smile, dance, and bask in pure, unconditional love. Live your life like it really is, a true love story straight from Heaven.


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