Lord of Lords – Worthy of All

Merry Christmas my dear readers! Let’s not forget why we celebrate this Lord of Lords birth. He may have come as a baby in a manger but He left a Heavenly throne to come for you and for me. So today, as you are gathering around with family and friends, or maybe like me home alone nursing a sick baby let this remind us of the true reason for this season. He is the Lord of Lords!!lord-of-lords
He is worthy of so much more than we can ever give!!! He loves you friend and He is powerful!

And if that doesn’t make you smile, send chills up your spine and make your heart swell with pride in your Heavenly Father I am sorry. That’s my King and my Lord of Lords and I love Him.

Have a great week my friends as we celebrate His birthday. I pray that you will be surrounded by family and friends this week, and that all of you will be blessed with safety as you travel to and from celebrations. The blog will be silent the rest of the week as I spend time with my family and enjoy this season with the ones closest to me. Thank you for another great year here at Our Heart and Home. Be blessed my friends.

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