King of Kings – A Royal Mindset

As He enters the room everyone rises to their feet. A hush falls upon the crowd as all eyes turn toward Him. There is something about Him that is powerful, and yet comforting. He is their leader and they trust Him. A golden crown, a royal robe, and a seat in the center of attention. His laws can protect his people or enslave them, he can provide for their needs or bring them to poverty, and he can care for them or take advantage of them completely. But even more than this we also have a King of Kings and we are part of His royal family. But, are we living like it?


Our King is just and yet merciful. If our King gave us what we deserved we would all be punished in hell for all eternity. But He is so full of mercy that He offers us hope and freedom from sin. An eternity walking the streets of gold and singing round His throne is now an option for each and every person. If we choose to place our eternity and faith in Him we become royalty, sons of God. And it is time to act like it. The world needs more royalty in it, don’t you think?

Our King’s birthday is coming soon and it is set to be quite the celebration just like each year has been! There will be gifts, and food, family, and laughing. There are decorations aplenty already making their appearance. But are we making time for the reason of this season of celebration? Is He the center of our attention? Can people tell that our celebration is different than others, because we are royalty after all?

This year instead of just giving gifts, baking cookies, and stringing lights let’s focus on why we celebrate Christmas. It is so much more than a baby in a manger. Our King supplies all our needs each and everyday. He doesn’t leave us to fend for ourselves or to rely on our own strength to get into Heaven. He has taken care of everything. All we must do is believe. His laws protect us, He watches over us, He loves us, and wants only for our good. So what are we giving back to Him this year during the season of celebration of this King of Kings birth?

What gift is worthy for a King? He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and has gold a plenty that He paves His streets with it! So what could we possibly give Him? Let’s remember that we are His children and He is our Heavenly Father. Now, let’s take a minute to put this relationship into the best earthly example we have of His love. That would be a parent for a child. As a parent you only want what is best for your offspring. You long to see them happy and healthy. You strive with all your might to keep them safe and protected. As a parent you are happy just seeing the joy on your children’s faces and your heart swells with pride when your children show gratitude for all you have done for them. And our Heavenly Father is no different.

Just as a meager handmade gift from a toddler is a precious keepsake to a parent, God looks at our hearts and sees that we are giving back what we can. As we serve others, love the needy, and spend time teaching our children of His love, His heart swells with pride and He smiles. He finds joy in our happiness and He feels our pain when we hurt. So, dear friends, this year take time to give of yourself the only gift worthy of a King of Kings, the gift of YOU. Love Him. Serve Him. Grow in Him. Show Him to others. And make Him smile during this season of His birthday celebration.

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