Motherhood – 5 Weekly Goals


Ah, motherhood. Completely amazing and completely exhausting all at the same time. Don’t you agree? I tend to feel right now that I have zero time for anything above the daily needs of my family. Laundry, cooking, schooling and nursing Elizabeth are the only things that are getting done. I am up early to try to get a jump start on my day before the family rises. I love this time. It prepares me for the day and is a great prayer time for my spirit. We don’t have a lot of out of the house activities this week so I have several goals for around the house.

1. Motherhood means laundry and with laundry comes the need and responsibility to change over clothing each season. I got the three little ones done this weekend but I need to do the older ones and find out what we need for this coming winter.

2. As a homeschooling momma I am always looking for ways to increase learning in “fun” ways that the children can engage in without me needing to be “hands-on”. This week I want to create Katherine her own “box”. I have lots of manipulatives and such in the closet and I want to get them out where she can reach them.

3. We need a new, bigger library box for our weekly trips to the library. I found a great cardboard box that is sturdy and I want to cover it with fun fabric so that it is pretty and can sit in my living room while still being functional.

4. Catch up on our hour log. Here is Missouri we have to keep track of how many lessons (hours or whatever you want to call them) that our children do each day. An “hour” is a classroom session and not necessarily a clock hour. But that means lots of paperwork logging which subjects we engage in each day. I keep getting behind and I want to get “caught up” this week so I don’t forget to log stuff that we did.

5. List making. I am always list making for something. But this week I need to start making Christmas lists as the grandparents are asking and I need to continue buying as the ideas pop into my head. Yes, I have already started and am almost half done with everyone else that we give to except the kids. Must. Keep. Moving.

I would love for you to join my weekly link up on Mondays, I know I am a day late this week, story of my life right now. Write out your goals so that we can encourage each other, have some accountability and some fun!

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