Live Blogging

I haven’t done “live blogging” very much at all (I think only one other time) but I thought it might be fun for you all to see what a homeschooling day is like for a mother of 6 with one in 6th grade, one in 4th grade, one in 2nd grade, a preschooler, a toddler, and a newborn. Life is crazy busy but is joyful and I wouldn’t trade a moment of it. Well, okay that moment when the newborn wants to eat, the toddler is throwing a fit about naptime for the third straight day, and the 6th grader is trying desperately to get her geometry done and needs help. Yeah, might trade that moment for a more relaxing one like reading the children as they color sprawled all over the living room floor but you have to take the good with the bad, so here goes an unedited and very real live blogging day.

6:30 – wake with Elizabeth and snuggle and nurse

7;00am – Spend a few minutes with my husband before the day starts. Packed his lunch and got him out the door

7:30am – Hubby left and with a cup of hot tea in hand I checked emails, did some blogging and school prep.

8:00am – Woke up remaining sleeping children and got everyone going.

8:45 – Made 4 egg sandwiches, plus a few other “breakfasts, got dressed, and unloaded dishwasher and draining board.

9:30 – Started laundry, and got Elizabeth dressed, now she wants to eat.

10:00am – Nursed Elizabeth, wiped a bottom, created pig tails for Katherine, helped with school

11:53am – Well as usual the morning got away from me. I taught math to three kids, science to four children, nursed Elizabeth again, rocked Jeremiah for a bit as he is clingy and crabby today. Got the three older children out the door with a friend to head to homeschool gym class and cut up almost 6 pounds of onions for the dehydrator. Now, I am making lunch, changing over laundry, and drinking my fourth cup of hot tea.

12:44pm – Lunch of homemade “ramen” noodles was served. Today is one of those days that we didn’t have a veggie or a fruit with lunch. It doesn’t happen often but I still feel guilty when we don’t. The dehydrator is running downstairs and now it is time for me to eat.

1:42 – Three older kids came home, I’ve nursed Elizabeth again, I finally found something to eat and fed the older kids lunch too. Now, Jeremiah and Elizabeth are asleep and Maggie is going to “babysit” for me so I can get a little grass cut this afternoon.

2:59pm – Mowed the front back and side yard but I didn’t get the field done. I came inside and nursed Elizabeth and loaded lunch dishes into the dishwasher. Now to shower and dress for church before dinner prep and chore time.

4:26pm – As the day draws to a close I showered, nursed Elizabeth to sleep again, cuddled my little boy who is now sick with 102.5 temp this afternoon. Put a message into the naturopath, called my husband, made a few calls for church and switched laundry again. Now time for dinner and then a movie with my “sickie” while the others head to mid-week service at church.

See our day in pictures by following me on Instagram – HERE

Thank you for following along on my day today. It was a fairly “calm” and “normal” day around here actually. Nothing too exciting happened which is always nice with 6 kids in the house. Have a great evening!

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