5 Weekly Goals – A Home in Chaos

Well, I actually fit all of my goals in last week which is just amazing because I spent one day running Elizabeth to the doctor, one day with her screaming almost all day due to belly issues and another day at the library for story time and such. I must say typing that brought a smile to my face in that I just might be able to do this six kid thing. I have been wondering lately! I feel like we have been living in a home in chaos for the past month.

A home in chaos

I am definitely ready to get a handle on this house again. And these are my baby steps toward that goal.

1. I need to clean out the jars in my pantry as next week we are going to the orchard so I will be putting up applesauce.

2. My floor needs to be mopped again.

3. I am finally up to planting my fall crops. I am really hoping for a great crop this year.

4. Write out my blog planner for the month of October and send some emails for the holiday season.

5. Get some school plans written out. I am still working on this. I know it has been on my list for several weeks lately but the beginning of each year always seems to be full of “tweaking” and planning and revamping.

Thank you to everyone who has linked up in the past. I hope to see the link up continue to grow. How did you do last week on your goals?

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