Homemade Liquid Soap

Are you tired of paying a lot of money for a bottle of liquid hand soap only to have the kids waste most of it? About a year ago I sure did! And so I went on a hunt for a better way and that is when I found (and have since tweaked a little to my liking) this homemade liquid soap recipe. Now, for a fraction of the price, I can make up a gallon of hand soap in less than 20 minutes.

homemade liquid soap


Homemade Liquid Soap

1 cup of soap shavings

1 TBSP Glycerin

8-10 cups of water

Combine all ingredients in a large pot and heat on low until it all melts. Let cool. Whisk until smooth and transfer to storage container.


To make this recipe even more frugal I save all my little bar soap scraps from the bath tub and use those when I am grating soap for hand soap. It doesn’t matter that these scraps may be different types of soap even. Whatever you toss in there will work. I use my food processor to grate up the bars to make the job easier and even faster. Once you have your soap grated just heat everything on the stove top until the soap is completely dissolved. Once it is dissolved and cooled you can then pour it into a large storage container to refill your pump for months to come!

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