3 Baby Must Haves – A Guest Post

It is a very exciting time around this wonderful blog for this beautiful family! By now there is a baby in arms or on the way and everyone is loving the reminder that life is such a blessing. While many of us are wanting to see adorable baby photos and some of us are getting a bit of baby fever we also remember that having a new baby can be a challenge too.

As a mother of 4 wonderful children of my own and surrogate mother of 2 darling girls I know a bit about what life is like at the end of pregnancy and with a new baby. I have it down to a science just what the vital things are that I need and they might not be what everyone expects. Here are my 3 Baby Must Haves –

#1 – Space

This isn’t something one can get at a baby shower but I think it is very important to plan for. Some consider baby mooning what a couple does before the baby comes but others like me consider it what a family does once the baby is here. When my babies get here I like to baby moon with them as a family. This means staying close to home with the baby, not having many visitors for a few weeks, and bonding as a family. This gives Mom and baby time to establish breastfeeding without having to worry about entertaining or having the home spotless for company. It gives the family time to find a new normal together without interruptions. It also helps keep the family more protected from germs as the last thing anyone wants is a sick newborn or other sick family members in the house. To help with this the family can make an announcement that they will let everyone know of a time to meet baby, they can also request meals or gift cards for restaurants that deliver. While flowers are wonderful, not having to worry about dinner is even better! While showing off perfect new little babies is fun, bonding with that little one is just so important as a family.

#2 – Baby Wrap

Baby wearing  for us is a must. We normally have Moby wraps in the house and in the baby bag and in the car. They are long pieces of fabric that has some stretch and are perfect for all body types. You can wrap baby in a number of ways that allow Mom or Dad or others caring for baby to hold baby securely and have their hands free to do other things. We love these for when baby is under a year old, past that point the best wraps have more structure and no stretch to support bigger babies! The benefits of wearing a baby are many and even with a pain condition I find I was able to do it and enjoy it. There are many kinds of baby carriers and some are better than others so it is important to research what your options are and what works best for your family. For my family they are a must because life is just so much better when you can get things done and snuggle the baby at the same time.

#3 – Cloth Diapers


(A Cloth Diaper I made a few years ago. Not the best sewing but we loved using it anyway!)

I know that not everyone cloth diapers their babies but in this day and age if you can, I think you should try! Not only does cloth diapering keep 2 tons of diapers out of the landfill that will outlive your grandchildren before decomposing, it is also better for baby! Cloth diapers are free from the chemicals that are found in disposable diapers. Many mothers have in the past had to resort to cloth diapers because of rashes but I think it should be the first choice and not the last resort. Cloth diapers can save you thousands of dollars and are good for baby and the planet. Of course not all cloth diapers are the same and not every fit is perfect. Some cloth diapers are costly and some are really not. You can also make your own if your talented with a sewing machine! One of the things I always have to make sure of when I am about to have a new baby is that my newborn diaper stash is prepped and ready and that my husband knows the system. Some cloth diapers you just put on like disposables, those are All -In-One diapers, some you have to stuff with an absorbent layer often call pocket diapers. Some are prefolds from back in the old days but unlike before when one would fold special ways and use pins and then plastic covers we have pinless ways to put them on and adorable covers and even knit wool covers. There are so many options that are great for baby and the planet and possibly your budget!

While there are many items for babies and Mommies I think these three considerations are at the top of my list. I hope you find them helpful when planning for baby!

Kimberly is the creative writer behind the blog A Little Crunchy and loves all things parenting. She was married at 18 to a brilliant military man and they have had 4 children in their last 15 years together. They love to homeschool their children together and explore all the new places the military moves them to. They hope to someday have a homestead to call their very own.

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