35 Week Pregnancy Update

Well, I can’t believe that it is already time for my 35 week pregnancy update now and only have 30 days left until Blessing #6 makes her grand arrival. Overall I am amazed at how good I feel still. I am still able to be gardening, mopping my own floor, walking to the library, and even playing at the park with my family. We have been blessed here in Missouri with some milder days for a Midwest summer and that has helped for sure.

The clothes are washed and the diapers are ready. I have already been stocking up on disposable diapers and wipes for the first few weeks as to make my recovery time less stressful. My doctor has “warned” me that she could recommend as many as 6 weeks recovery time after this (my 6th) C-section. I am trying to do as much as possible now so that if that long of a time is needed I am ready. I am trying to focus on all of the snuggling, school, and relaxing that a longer recovery order will bring and not stress about the no driving, no steps (remember my laundry is in the basement), no bending or lifting part of it.

Her bed is ready in our room and I have started making my list of clothing to take to the hospital. I am pretty sure I know where all of the children are going the day of surgery and even for the rest of the week while I am in the hospital.  These little details make me feel much more prepared and much less stressed as the day approaches.

My swelling is increasing a little and my heartburn is more active these days but overall I am so blessed to be feeling great this time. I am excited to say that I will be having a “maternity” photo shoot with my daughters as the photographers this week so be watching for updated belly photos. Thank you for your patience as I document and journal this journey for my memories in years to come.

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