A Daily Dose

Do you ever feel like you are running on empty? You just give and give all day long and there is just nothing left to give anymore? Sometimes we loose focus on where we should be “refueling” from. We think time alone, or the right motivational book, this women’s conference, or that seminar will fill us up and we will be ready to go again. But we really should get a daily dose of fuel from God’s Word. Most of Americans have at least one Bible in there home. The source of living water, of endless motivation and love to pour out onto others and yet we seldom reach for it.

A Daily dose

I have been craving more daily time in the Word lately. I have been praying for God to wake me up earlier so that I can get a daily dose of peace, love, and patience from Him for this always demanding job of motherhood. And He has been answering. I am going to bed at the same time but at least 4 days a week for the past month or so I find myself waking up feeling rested and ready to go a half hour earlier than the alarm goes off. This quiet time with my Lord has been so precious.

But even if you don’t have time to sit and be still in the quietness of the morning with just you and your Bible, I encourage you to find a way to get a daily dose of God’s love for you and allow Him to refuel you. Put a Bible verse as your background on your phone, hang an index card in the bathroom or by the kitchen, or listen to the Bible through an app even if you are doing other things we will be surprised how much you catch of it.

This world is busy and fast paced. Life is full of demands and is always asking us to give of ourselves. We MUST learn to get a daily dose of fuel from the only place that can truly fill us in an effective way. I love you dear sisters and I pray that today you will draw from the “Living Water” and be filled with love and patience for the tasks ahead.

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