
As we enter into a time for reflecting on thankfulness I felt led to share these pictures. While they are a few months old, they tell a story much deeper than first seen.
See, this is the evening of Daddy’s birthday. And he is opening his presents after eating the dinner that we all worked to prepare. But do you see his gifts?
Lego guns, stuffed animals, I Can Read books, a few coins, and lots of love. While these might not have been on Daddy’s list they were the perfect gift for him. Why might you ask? You see these are his children’s favorite toys. Their prized possessions were packages and wrapped with love.
They gave of themselves to bless someone else. It wasn’t a boxed set off a shelf, or a couple of canned goods from the pantry to allow us to “think” that we have blessed the poor. They gave out of their nothing. They didn’t have money to spend so they gave the next best thing. They gave of themselves. And that my friends is the true spirit of Thanksgiving.
Being thankful for what you have and realizing how blessed you are and putting those feelings into action to bless others. How are you blessing others today?

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