
My heart is so full. I have had my eyes open and my heart filled these past weeks. As a church we have had a month of prayer. We have been hearing sermons on prayer, meeting each Saturday morning for an hour of prayer, and challenging each other to grow in our prayer life.

And it has changed my life. It has lit a fire in my heart and I can’t get enough. I find myself praying all throughout my day. Now, instead of just thinking about friends, stewing over situations, or planning my week I pray about it. I am asking for God’s direction in my plans, my life, my spending, and my parenting.

Prayer is an attitude of the heart that can
be accomplished anywhere!

I have always prayed. I know that it is something that we should all do often. But how many of us can really say that we pray more than at meal time, on a consistant basis? I know that I had fallen into the bad habit of doing that. I only prayed before I ate and when something was really wrong. But prayer can be so much more.

I love now that I am practicing living in prayer how God speaks to me. I choose to “talk” sometimes and other times I wait. I allow God to love on me. To speak to my heart and to direct my thoughts and my prayers. He is my Heavenly Father and He wants to care for me. But I must spend time with Him if He is going to be able to grow my spirit.

I want to challenge you to pray each day at a time other than a meal. Maybe while you are washing dishes, driving in the car, laying in bed in the morning or at night. I know how hard it is to find time to be still and quiet so start with praying while you are doing something else at the same time. For years I prayed each morning as I showered. It gave me a routine, helped me pray each morning over my day and it worked for a season. Things and routines have since changed and so I have had to find other times. Whatever works for you do it! Just make it happen.

And while you are praying please pray over our election. My heart is heavy and I must keep turning the outcome over to Christ because I am struggling not to worry about it. I know my Lord is in control and the outcome is His, but His people must rise up to willing instruments for Christ.

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