A Look at My Day.

Today is…..Thursday June 7th

Jeremiah getting all cleaned up in the sink. Even while sick this boy always

Outside is….Beautiful and sunny and cool and breezy. I’m sure it will heat up but for now my windows are open and we are loving the breeze!!

In the Kitchen….It is Barbqued chicken for dinner and chicken stock boiling for chicken and dumplings tomorrow. Also baking bread.

In the Schoolroom…. We are pushing ahead in our Amphibians lapbook, our math drills,our memory verses, and our handwriting.

In my heart…. I’m thankful that for now my children are healthy once again. After three vomiting children yesterday it is nice to have healthy tummies.

In my home…. I’m airing out bedding and pillows and washing sheets. I’m mopping the floors, and hoping to hang some bulletin boards.

In my Bible time…. Philippians 4:13 I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. Even in this 7 month struggle with constant illness in my home my God has been faithful. We have made it. And He has walked by me every step of the way. He has turned my heart (for the most part) to see the extra snuggles as a blessing and the time at home as a priviledge. And when I start to stumble and fall and wallow in self-pity He has sent friends to help remind me of the blessings.

In my ears…. I’m hearing my children resting quietly on the couch. I’m hearing my two year old finally feel well enough to sit and play with toys. And I am overcome with thankfulness.

And, that my friends is a look at my day. What does your day hold?

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