Planning a Homeschool Year – Prt 1

As homeschooling mothers we seldom have “down time”. So even before we are packing up the records for one year we are already thinking and planning the next. Over the next few posts I will be sharing with you how I start to plan the next year.

The first thing I do is to pray. I pray for wisdom over my descisions and I pray for direction for our homeschool. I seek my husband’s wishes, goals, and ideas for where he wants our focus to be during the coming year. We talk about books, activites, Bible studies and even character issues that need specific attention.

But during this phase we focus on constantly bathing each and every need, idea, and focus in prayer. And I write, write, and rewrite notes, ideas, and plans. But as I pray through them if I feel that they are not what God wants for the coming year I scratch them off.

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