
Do you love your job?

I do.

But then why do I find myself dreading it. Trying to “escape” it with anything possible. Some days I use the computer, visits with friends, the phone, or anything else I can find.

But I love my job.

I love serving this family God has blessed me with. I love the feeling of accomplishment in a clean home, helpful children, a peaceful school day, and a well thought out meal.

So why do I find myself just going through the motions doing just enough to get by without the joy that should be seen in my life?

I truly feel it is because my focus is all wrong. I am not focusing on making my Saviour happy. I am focused on me. Making my job easier, getting done as quick as possible so I can have “me” time.

I have become, in some ways, SELFISH!!

And I want it to stop! I want the joy again. I want to put my best into my job for my family. I want a well oiled schedule, a menu plan, finished laundry, and well trained children. And that is going to take work. So, I am lacing up my boots (or putting on my house shoes at least) opening the Word and praying all day. I’m pouring into my children more of the Word and striving each day of 2012 to be a better example of the joy that Christ can bring to my children, my husband, and my world.

Won’t you join me?

Please visit again soon as I have many more posts on finding joy in your calling (whatever that may be) on my heart. I’d love for us to find the joy together!!

Love you dear sisters!

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