Are you?

Are you suffering from the winter blahs?

With the hype of the holidays behind us do you find yourself unmotivated?

For years I struggled with this time of year. I dreaded January like a mother of five dreads the stomach flu ( and yes we have had that in our home recently and Im already dreading the next time it rears its ugly head). But then I changed the way I looked at it.

You know all the purging and cleaning we usually do in the spring?

Well, now I do mine during the month of January. I always love to be outside during the pretty spring weather and there is planting to do and walks to take and children to push on the swing. Who wants to clean with the beautiful outdoors calling you? NOT ME!!

So, right now I am going room by room and purging, reorganizing, and cleaning. I’m getting ready for spring and all the time we will be spending outside. Instead of leaving all the yearly cleaning for nice weather, I am busy, busy while I am trapped inside making the most of these dark cold days.

What do you do to help pass these cold gray winter days? Do you have any tricks that help you to stay motivated and on task when it is so easy to give into the “let down” of January?

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