True Service

Josiah “serving” my Dad.
True Christian service takes place outside of the church, not only within its walls.

This is a quote from the message yesterday that has been resounding in my heart and head ever since. How many times do we mentally check off service for God as teaching a class, bringing food to a dinner, giving an offering, or even just attending every service? Many times in my life at least.

But this quote has challenged that way of thinking. While Jesus Christ walked this earth He didn’t stay within the “church” walls to preach and to minister. He walked about visiting the invalid, teaching the poor, healing the sick, ministering to the hurting and going to where the people were.

We as Christians should take lesson from this and become more Christ-like in our way of viewing service. When was the last time we as modern day church members blessed a momma that was struggling with a phone call? Or mailed the lonely older couple of the church some cards our children had made? Or do we even know our brothers and sisters in Christ well enough to grab their favorite treat next time we are at the store and deliver to their door? If you found a great sale at the grocery store would you think of blessing someone through it?

True service from the heart touches lives in ways that words cannot describe! When someone knows that you think about them even when you are not at church it speaks volumes to them. So, today I challenge you to think of your fellow church members, your pastor, and those lost around you. Start a mission to get to know your church family well enough that you can bless them in tangible ways. And be an example of true Christian service.

 How do you practice true Christian service outside of your church walls? Have you ever been blessed by someone that thought of you outside of the church building? (My family and I were just this month when a couple of wonerful families blessed us with some grocery gift cards. Such a great way to bless any family!! Who can’t use help with the cost of food now days?)

Share your heart, please!!

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