Army Life cont.

Well another day dawned, or actually we left the playground and started the “real” army life. Josiah couldn’t have asked for a better day. He was in heaven!! It was a beautiful day which made our time even more enjoyable. Here’s lots of pictures to prove it!
This vehicle is ready to go out for a practice manuever as this unit gets ready to deploy in a few months. It was loaded down with guns and wires and helmets and all kinds of cool gear.
(This is a water tank that they use during deployment to store drinking water.)

The funniest part of the whole day was when we first arrived at the motor pool and we were approching all the vehicles lined up. We rounded a corner and saw a group of soldiers, probably around 30 or so, gathered for a debriefing (getting their assignments). Josiah saw that and yelled, loud enough for everyone to hear, “Woah, BABY!!!” The whole group turned, I turned red and looked for a hole to crawl into, and Aunt Erin died laughing and blew it off as no big deal.

It was a great day and even the girls seemed to enjoy themselves during some of it. We did have to promise them a more “girly” activity to follow so that they would endulge us a little and follow along through all of the army “stuff”.

That will be a fun post with more great pictures to follow.

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