A Typical Day

I know you have been wondering. Well, you have, haven’t you? Don’t you want to know about it? A day in the Sikes home that is. Hasn’t it been rolling around in your head for weeks now? I know how much I love reading posts about life in other households and I thought it was high time I did a post about the days within the walls of my home. So, grab a glass of iced tea, (yes it is finally warm enough here to enjoy cold drinks again!!!) and I hope that you enjoy.

My husband and I rise around 6:45. We spend time in together and get him out the door to work by 7:30. After that I take a few minutes to check my email and such and spend some time in prayer about my day. By 8am the bigger children are up and we are getting breakfast. During breakfast we do Bible time and read alouds. Right around 9am we start book work. The girls do math, language, phonics, spelling and writing (not all of these every day but these are the subjects that we focus on) in the morning. Once these are done they are free for the rest of the morning once morning routine is done.

Around 11am I start lunch and we eat some time close to 11:30am. From 11:30 until 1:00pm it is clean up time and then play time for all children. This is when I start some laundry, clean the kitchen, or wrap up paper work. At 1pm the littles lay down for nap/rest time. This is the time when the older girls and I take advantage of the quiet time in the house and we practice reading, do our history or science, or do some oral spelling or math. Usually it is during this time that the three of us are folding laundry on laundry days. We take turns folding and reading. Other days the girls will gather with me in the kitchen and read/work/talk while we all bake together. It has become one of my favorite times of day.

By 3pm, everyone is awake, and we grab a snack. After snack the children have free time. I finish up housework, make phone calls, and start dinner. At 4:00 or 4:30 (depending on how bad the house is) the children are rounded up and it is afternoon routine time. We pick up the house, empty the dishwasher, set the table, wipe down the bathroom, and just do an over all clean up before Daddy gets home.

We eat dinner at 5:30 and everyone helps with clean up immediatly after dinner. The dishes are loaded in the dishwasher, the table is washed off, the pots are washed by hand, and if needed the floor swept. After that the evening is family time. We play games, watch a movie, take a walk, or just sit and enjoy each others company.

At 8:00pm we get a bedtime snack and get dressed for bed. Then it is family worship time and off to bed by 9:00pm. It is a full day but it is one that, for the most part, we enjoy. It helps me to stay on top of things and to fit everything into my day. Does every day go like this? Not at all, especially not in the last month. Being in the first trimester makes me sick, tired and over all feeling BLAH. So, we have slacked a little but we will get back to it soon enough.

Anyway, I hope this didn’t bore you too much. It got longer than I thought but I hope you enjoyed it. If you have a post about a typical day in your family I would love to read about it. Leave me a link, send me an email (on my profile page), or send me a message on facebook (lower right hand sidebar). I always enjoy reading about the daily lifes of other families.

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