Parenting Week

This week the whole topic at “A Fresh Year, Fresh Start” is parenting. There were a couple of articles written that were worth sharing links to. First, over at “Closing Time” Erin talked about investing our children and giving them life. This is something that my husband and I have been trying to be much more intentional about in the past months. I have learned that even when I am folding laundry or washing dishes we can still invest in our children. We still spend time together. Kids don’t care if what you are doing is super special and out of the ordinary. What they care about is you, their parents, showing them love, affermation, and affection. Head on over to read Erin’s full article. You will not be sorry.

The second article that I have not stopped thinking about this week is found over at “Run the Earth, Watch the Sky”  . This post speeks about Raising Modern day Timothy’s. The information in this post will cause you to stop and think. We have included a couple of these ideas into our household this school year. Our children are memorizing chapters in Bible memory now instead of just random verses. This has allowed for more training in how to use verses during our day to day live when we are making choices and it has also allowed us train our chilren how to look at the verse in context when trying to understand them. We try to always follow up our discipline with the Biblical aspect of their choices.
We have also choosen to not participate in Santa or the Easter Bunny as any more than an imaginary figure in our household which has allowed us to put the focus of these special times of the year onto our Saviour. Her article is well worth the read and gives some information that I didn’t know about Bible time life.
So, how about you? How are you raising your children to be disciples and to love the Lord? How are you giving live to your children instead of just being a body that was in their home working all the time? Any ideas or thoughts or insights that you could share with us?

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