Gentle Mother

This post is coming from my heart. It is a hard post to write and an even harder one to live out. Being a gentle mother is something I desire almost more than almost anything else. I long to answer with a gentle tone and a soft hand. I find that to be such a […]

What a Mighty God

Aren’t children something else? They can play and get dirty and don’t seem to mind. Dirt. Mud. Grass. It doesn’t matter what it is but most don’t get bothered by the mess on their hands, clothes, and even their face. But as parents it tends to bother us to watch them play all covered in […]

Preparing for Change – A Self Reflection

As I have written these posts this week it has made me stop and think a lot. I have found myself preparing for change yet again and yet again being stressed out often times by the idea of what is coming. And I have decided that we are, many times, our own worst enemies. We […]

Preparing for Change – Your Home

Our homes should be a refuge and a place of peace as much as possible. Even as we are preparing for change or adjusting to the aftermath of change we, as the home “makers” must strive to keep our homes as such. This sense of safety and refuge in our homes will help our loved […]

Preparing for Change – The Kitchen

Today as we are preparing for change we are going to look at the kitchen. No matter how the schedule of the home changes, the family dynamics evolve, or the people in our home come and go everyone must eat. But there are times that cooking large meals is just not an option. We, as […]

Preparing for Change – Your Heart

  I have found that in my life one of the hardest things to do while preparing for change is to keep my heart in the right attitude. Change is hard. I think no matter how small the change is it is hard. And man, those big changes are sometimes just no fun. But if […]

Wordless Wednesday – Birthday

Today is another birthday in our house. My oldest son is turning 7 today. His birth was one of stress and worry as he was very sick at birth and the hospital that I delivered at was unable to care for him. So he was transported over 40 miles away to another hospital and I […]

Teach Kids to Serve Others

We have always tried our hardest to aim at teaching our kids to serve others so when Christianity Cove offered a review of their 100 Simple Service Projects  (on sale for $19.95/regularly $29.95)e-book I was instantly interested. I am always looking for ideas too that will help me teach kids to serve others at church. […]