Security when Tragedy Strikes.

We find security in the everyday.

In routine.

In our home.

In our job.

In our children.

Many times, without even knowing it we find security in these things. Life moves forward and we never give thought of things changing or tragedy striking.

And then one day our security is shaken.

Our nation mourns. The news is covered with images. Our minds can’t comprehend the events. And our security is shaken. It could happen to us. Any day could change our entire lives.

We are met with the stark reality that life is short. Sometimes WAY too short. We aren’t garunteed tomorrow, even if we are only 6.

Where do we go from here? How do we get our feet back underneath us and move forward? Never forgetting those lost but trying to move forward. To do better. If we truly want to do better we must change the source of our security.

We can’t fool ourselves to think that new gun laws, metal dectors, or locking doors and video camera will keep us safe. We must place our security in the only sure thing we as humans have. And that is in Christ. We must turn to Him. Know in our hearts that He loves us and wants our best. And when tragedy strikes He will guide us through. He will be our strength and our rock. If we allow Him to be.

It is not within our power to keep our children safe. Safe from some things? Yes. But not completely safe. We must trust our most precious gift to the one who gave them to us. Our security in this life must be in Christ if we are to live without fear.

Fear is something I struggle with. My breath catches in my throat when I think that I could be next to suffer loss. I want to run and loose my lunch when I think about the possibility of tragedy striking my children. But I must remind myself that Christ loves them so much more than I can. And He has their best interest at heart. I gain my footing and draw a deep breath. I move forward. One day at a time. Knowing that although life is hard and scary, He is in control. And He is my security.

My heart goes out to all of the families and loved ones effected by the tragedy in Conneticut last week. I cry daily over the amount of pain and sadness that you must feel. I pray for you often and am bearing your burden in the only way I know how. Please know that you are thought about and loved. And your children will not be forgotten.

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